Movie Birb Presents: My 18 Favorite Films of 2018 Part One- Honorable Mentions 2018 has been an amazing year for film, and for myself personally. By years end I will have seen over 160 motion pictures released in the 2018 calendar year, by far the most I have seen in one year. Being able to see so many films, write this blog, and communicate with everyone on social media has given me perspectives on films that I may not have seen previously, the way I watch films, and how to voice my opinion. This list is my personal opinion of what are my favorite films of 2018 are, and not what I think are the best. The list of honorable mentions is all of the films that I rated four-stars or higher that did not make my top 18. Without further ado, here are my honorable mentions for my favorite films of 2018. Four-Star Honorable Mentions Shoplifters- Hirokazu Koreeda, Director Aquaman- James Wan, Director Mary Poppins Returns- Rob Marsha...
Twitter: @moviebirb